This is a collection of all of the audiobooks by Jennie Goutet,...
Book Bundles
Buy books for less when you buy them as a bundle!
Clavering Series
Titles in this collection, in order: A Fall from Grace Philippa Holds Court...
Featured Collection
The featured books & products in this collection are either on sale,...
Gentry Series
Titles in this collection, in order: A Whimsical Notion A Stroke of...
Georgians in Paris
This is a multi-author series, and the four ebooks are sold on...
Latest Release
Check out Jennie's latest release in ebook, audiobook, and print format.
Other Books
Three books comprising my early work. A Sweetheart in Paris and A...
Print Books
Here you will find all my books in paperback and the ones...
Proposals Series
This series is owned and published by Cedar Fort Publishing. As such,...
Regency Singles
These novels and novellas are part of multi-author series and can be...
Sales & Discounts
This collection often includes my bundled books (discount in number). I also...
Sisters Series
The Earl's Sisters is a planned series of six books in which...
Swag & Merchandise
The merchandise in my shop uses designs and illustrations by local artists....